Friday, August 12, 2005

The 9 Planets

Eccentric moon-like sphere ,
Roughly cratered and very old .
Burning closest to the sun ,
As it is what im told .

Brightest shining like the star ,
Volcanoes erupting thick lava .
A ball with no magnetic field ,
Images of white christmas with Santa .

A sphere which holds all humanity ,
Brightly stationed in the space .
Stone revolves due to gravity ,
As all shines and orbit with grace .

Suspicious and devillish red ,
Signs of water , fluid and vast dust storms .
Its easily spotted with unaided eyes ,
As we see its surface stretched and torn .

Bright wandering star ,
Gaseous material with no solid ground .
Zones and belts seems so far ,
Like the citylights from the towns .

Cassini divisions with fainting rings ,
Milky ways forms around grace .
Complex tidal resonancing things ,
Like the beauty of one's face .

Ignored by mistakes of a star ,
Beauty blue moon with bands of clouds .
Rapidly blowing and very faint ,
Like the sea just out of house .

Cold rocks and ice ,
Freezing and lonely blue .
Like the pale blue skies ,
Empty and nothing , just hues .

Accompanied by Charon with baby stone ,
Smallest planet thats furthest from home .
Classified as asteroid or comet , stranger in space ,
As its surface has not been seen and we dunno what to trace .